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UNITS Covered


The New Land-1750

Extended Research

The Revolutionary

A Growing Nation

The New England Renaissance

Division, War, and Reconciliation

Realism and the New Frontier

The Modern Age

Contemporary Writers

College Prep

Current Unit Syllabus:

              The Modern Age


Mon., 3/28

-WELCOME BACK!!!  Now where did we leave off? :-)

-Individual Journal Assignment: 

                Turn to page 700, read "In a Station of the Metro", answer questions 1-5 & 1-3

-Introduce the Modern Age Unit (1915-1946)

-Read pages 553-565, in an assigned small group, and complete reading notes

     -jot down additional notes to make lesson clearer

     -DO NOT just give the answers to the blanks



-Groups teach assigned section


-Homework:  none



-Begin F. Scott Fitzgerald A&E Bio video


          -Complete short-answer quiz while watching A&E video



-Finish A&E video

-The Great Gatsby Opinionnaire

-Discuss opinions!

-Homework:  none


Friday, 4/1

-In class activity




Mon., 4/4

-Great Gatsby opening lecture

-Check out books
-Begin reading ch. 1 together aloud

-Homework:  finish ch. 1 & complete study guide questions


-QUIZ: ch. 1 (did you finish reading)

-OR turn in Study Guide Questions

-Ch 1 close reading

-Begin reading ch. 2

-Homework:  finish reading ch. 2



-QUIZ:  ch. 2

-With a partner, work through ch. 2 study question worksheet

-Homework:  None



-Fitzgerald lifestyle activity

-Discuss/ Share

-Begin reading ch. 3

-Homework:  finish reading ch. 3 & complete study question wkst on your own


Fri., 4/8


-Class discussion of last night's study question answers

-Homework:  None.  GOOD LUCK ON PARCC!


Mon., 4/11

-PARCC (1st-3rd)

-4th hour:  study hall


Tues. 4/12

-PARCC (1st-3rd)

-4th hour:  study hall


Wed. 4/13

-PARCC (1st-2nd)


Thurs., 4/14

-Read Chapter 4 & complete study questions

-Homework:  finish reading chapter complete study questions


Fri., 4/15

-Discuss Chapter 4 S. G. questions

-Read ch 5

-Homework:  finish reading chapter 5 & complete study guide



Mon., 4/18

-Ch. 5 Close Read

-Discuss chapter 5


Tues., 4/19

-Complete s.g. questions with a partner on ch 6

-Discuss chapters 5 & 6

-Homework:  read ch 7


Wed., 4/20

-Ch. 7 was uber long, huh?!  But there was so much that happened! 

    Did you finish reading?  Did you?  Fine.  Let's take an extra day. 

    You're welcome. :-)

-Finish reading / Answer study questions (due at the end of the hour)

-Class discussions

-Homework:  none


Thurs., 4/21

-Class discussion of ch. 7

-Begin reading ch. 8

-Homework:  finish reading ch. 8 and answer s.g. questions


Fri. 4/22

-Ch. 8 Quiz

-Color Symbolism activity


-Homework: Read ch. 9 (end of book) & s. g. questions



Mon., 4/25

-Ch. 9 Quiz

-El Greco painting and questions

-Class discussion of ch. 9 s.g.

-Homwork: None


Tues., 4/26

-Review quote game!!!

-Homework:  review quotes


Wed., 4/27

-Review grid (chart order of events & turn into flashcards)



Thurs., 4/28


-4th hour:  "D" lunch


Fri. 4/29



-4th hour:  "D" lunch



Mon., 5/2 (Oh, my!  I can't believe it is MAY!!!)

-The Great Gatsby Movie

-Homework:  None


Tues., 5/3

-The Great Gatsby Movie

-Homework:  None


Wed., 5/4

-finish movie

-Homework:  None


Thurs., 5/5



Fri., 5/6


-Homework:  Author WebQuest & Vocab.


Mon., 5/9

--What was the 1950s like?


-Journal 1: What do you think it would have been like growing up during the 50's?


-Brief ppt of time period racial tension

-View the poem "Harlem" by Lanston Hughes & discuss

Harlem By Langston Hughes 1902–1967


What happens to a dream deferred?


Does it dry up

like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore—

And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?

Or crust and sugar over—

like a syrupy sweet?


Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?


-Journal 2: What are your dreams for the future? What are the dreams of your family members? If you don't know, what do you think they would say if you asked them about their dreams?


-Homework:  None


Tues., 5/10

-Read the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes & discuss


Mother to Son By Langston Hughes 1902–1967


Well, son, I’ll tell you:

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

It’s had tacks in it,

And splinters,

And boards torn up,

And places with no carpet on the floor—


But all the time

I’se been a-climbin’ on,

And reachin’ landin’s,

And turnin’ corners,

And sometimes goin’ in the dark

Where there ain’t been no light.

So boy, don’t you turn back.

Don’t you set down on the steps’

Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.

Don’t you fall now—

For I’se still goin’, honey,

I’se still climbin’,

And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

--Analyze meaning

-What is social commentary?

-Begin movie!

-Homework: None


Wed., 5/11

-Continue watching movie

-Answer movie guide questions

-Homework: Work on final exam study guide 


Thur., 5/12

-Finish movie and discuss

-Complete Symbolism side

-Turn in movie questions

-Homework:  work on/study for final exam

                       -study vocab for quiz Monday


Fri., 5/13

-Study Session

-Homework:    Study



Mon., 5/16

-Raisin Vocab. Quiz

-Work on Final Exam Study Guide / Study


Tues. 5/17

-Work on Final Exam Study Guide / Study


Wed., 5/18


-Homework:  Work on Final Exam Study Guide / Study


Thurs. 5/19

-Work on Final Exam Study Guide / Study


Fri., 5/20

-Day 1 of Finals


Mon., 5/23

-Day 2













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