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(It's seriously not hard.)


      A. Writing utensils:  pens AND #2 pencils

     B.  Journal Binder:  it will help you stay organized 

     C.  English Notebook:  for notes and daily assignments

     D.  Whiteout:  Seriously, you'll need this...haven't you heard of research?

     E.  Log-in username and password to Edmodo & Remind 101 (there's an app for this) LETS DO THIS NOW!

           1st hour:   Edmodo:     /  Remind

           2nd hour:  Edmodo:    /  Remind

           3rd hour:  Edmodo:    /  Remind

           4th hour:  Edmodo:    /  Remind

           5th hour:  Edmodo:    /  Remind



      A.  Attendance is crucial.  You are responsible for your assignments when you are absent.  Assignments due the day of your absence shall be turned in the day of your return.

     B.  Unplanned Absences:  you will be granted the day/s you were absent to make up your work

     C.  Planned Absences:  work must be completed BEFORE you leave

     D.  Late work:  I will accept late work the very next day for half credit. 


III.  My Classroom Policies

      A.  You MUST wear your I.D. at all times.  If you forget it, go get a temporary before class begins.  I am a stickler on this one.   

      B.  Cell Phones:  When the minute bell rings, phones should disappear or they will go to JAIL!

      C.  Food & Drinks:  ONLY water bottles are acceptable and maybe a light snack.  Please put all trash where it belongs.

      D.  RESPECT:  It goes a long way.  Discussions will get deep on some days.  All students should ALWAYS feel comfortable to express their opinions in my class.  THINK before you RESPOND.  Consider that your way or opinion may not always be right.

      E.  Behavior Consequences--Situations will be handled according to your handbook.  Check it out!

      F.  Tardies:  The rumor is true; I'm a stickler.  3rd tardy equals a detention.  I went to school here so I already know that you can make it from A-wing, 3rd floor, to my class.  :-)




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